Be our Guest
Neighborhood Association: New Members Poker Night
Date: 07.05.24
Location: Weston Golf Club
Step 1
Please let us know if you’ll be in attendance. We hope to see you there!
Step 2
Choose your Favor
choose a favor from the selections curated by Kate or opt to donate the value of your favor to the Special Olympics (a non-profit close to Kate's heart)
Step 3
Once you’ve selected your favor, continue through the checkout process to confirm your selection. Your favor selection will show a $0 value. You’ll receive your favor (or a note thanking you for your donation).
Step 1: Rsvp
Submit your email and phone number to RSVP to
Neighborhood Association: New Members Poker Night
Step 2: Choose your Favors
choose between the following options: a donation to the host’s non-profit of choice or one of the favors curated by Kate
Step 3: Checkout
Please complete the checkout process in order to receive your favor at the event. if you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to email orders@thekindfavor.com